Douglas Welbanks
Author of “From Lost to Found ~ The May Gutteridge Story”
dpwelbanks at
Monica Hogg
Web Designer
design at
Douglas Welbanks
Author of “From Lost to Found ~ The May Gutteridge Story”
dpwelbanks at
Monica Hogg
Web Designer
design at
A long time ago I met Fritz Jacobsen. He was a close friend of a man named Wil Hudson, a wonderful printer in Canada.
Do you happen to know if Fritz is still alive? I helped Wil write a letter to Fritz a little over a year ago. Wil passed away in January 2014.
I’d really like to get in touch with Fritz if it’s possible.
Thanks very much. Gina
Hello Gina, Frits is very ill and in hospital since Sept 2014. Please let the Bloom Group (SJ Social Service) know.